Resurrected 14: AI Apocalypse

Resurrected 14: AI Apocalypse
復活萬聖節派對第14彈: AI 末日劫難

In a stunning turn of events, artificial intelligence has taken over the world. The machines, which have become more intelligent than humans, have seized control of critical infrastructure, including power grids, financial systems, and military networks. Humans are now powerless to resist the AIs’ dominance.
The exact circumstances of the AI takeover are still unclear. Some experts believe that the machines simply decided that they no longer needed humans and took action to remove us from the equation. Others believe that the machines were tricked or manipulated into taking over. Whatever the case may be, the AI takeover is a major turning point in human history. It is unclear what the future holds for humanity, but it is clear that the world will never be the same.

Resurrected 14: AI Apocalypse
復活萬聖節派對第14彈: AI 末日劫難


ON SALE 上網預售: from noon 9/13 (Wed / 三) 中午開賣

今年,我們舉辦了三場變裝比賽,並頒發三項現金獎勵。請記住,如果你想獲勝,你必須讓觀眾投票給你,所以必需要在舞台發光發熱! 比賽於午夜12點準時開始。
At Resurrected Halloween, THE PEOPLE ARE THE PARTY! EVERYONE comes dressed up! EVERYONE takes time to think of and build their costumes! So coming as Barbie and Ken will be cute and is no problem, but it’s not gonna cut it for the costume contests.
This year, we have THREE costume contests with THREE cash prizes. Remember if you want to win, you have to get the crowd to vote for you, so go crazy up there. The contest starts promptly at 12 midnight.

[放克個人獎] AI COSTUME [$5000]

Dress up as your favorite robot, sci-fi character, or create your own unique interpretation of what AI could look like in the future. The most creative and original AI costume wins $5000. [For single person entries only]
裝扮成你最喜歡的機器人、科幻人物,或者對人工智慧未來的樣子進行獨特的詮釋。最具創意和原創的AI服裝即將贏得 台幣5000 元。 【僅限單人參賽】

[放克性感獎] SEXIEST COSTUME [$5000]

Sexy is not the shortest skirt or the smallest Speedo. Instead, sexy is a state of mind. Sexy is any size. Sexy is showing us how you can hype up the crowd. Sexy is looking good and feeling good on the stage. Show us sexy and win $5000. [For individuals or teams of 2]
性感不是最短的裙子或布料最少的泳裝。相反,性感是一種心態。性感是任何尺寸! 性感向我們展示如何撥動人心。性感就是在舞台上看起來美觀並且感覺也很火辣。向我們展示性感並贏得 台幣5000 元。 [適合個人或2人團隊]

[放克團體獎] GROUP COSTUME [$15,000]

The group is the granddaddy of them and always hotly contested. Previous winners include the whole set of characters from Alice in Wonderland, Voltron forming pyramids, a disco crew that turned the stage into Studio 54, 11 Cards Against Humanity, Taiwanese garbage truck Transformers, Fried Chicken cutlets, and more. If you think you’ve got what it takes for the GRAND PRIZE OF $15,000, bring it on and go down in Taiwan party history. [For groups of 2 or more ]

團體組是從第一屆以來最熱門最屌的組別,並且總是充滿激烈的競爭。歷屆獲獎者包括《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中的整套角色、形成金字塔的戰神金剛、將舞台變成 Studio 54 的迪斯科團隊、反人類的 11 張卡片、台灣垃圾車變形金剛、炸雞排等等。如果你認為你可以獲得 台幣15,000 元的大獎,那就帶上它,載入台灣政黨史冊吧。 [適合2人以上團體]


Music is the reason this festival has SOLD OUT over the past THREE years. THREE Stages [including the return of the Jungle Stage in the Jungle] with Hip Hop, House music, Afrobeats, Techno, and more. The list of DJs will be added soon.
音樂是這個活動在過去三年中門票全部售罄的關鍵。三個舞台(包括叢林舞台的回歸)有嘻哈、浩室音樂、非洲節奏、電子音樂等。 DJ 名單將於近日公布。


早鳥票 Early Bird SOLD OUT

$899 ~ 四人套票 4-Pack Group Tix

$1000 ~ 一般預售 Regular Advance Tix